Man charged over khat drug find in Brisbane's south

A Mt Gravatt East man is expected to face a bedside hearing after being charged with multiple drug offences relating to a police raid on Saturday.
According to the bisbane time news artice published on March 15, 2015, Morningside-based detectives raided a Heyford Street house at Mount Gravatt East, where they found about 250 kilograms of khat plants along with $7000 in cash.
The man, 46, is charged with one count each of trafficking a dangerous drug, supply dangerous drugs, producing dangerous drugs, possessing dangerous drugs and possessing a thing used in the commission of a crime. The man will also face unrelated charges. Advertisement He remains in hospital after being transported there in police custody for an unrelated medical condition.
Khat, otherwise known as Catha edulis, is native to the horn of Africa and the Arabian peninsula, where khat-chewing is a cultural tradition going back centuries. When consumed, khat is said to have an amphetamine-like stimulant effect.
A synthetic version, called m-Cat, was behind "meow meow", a new ecstasy-like drug that entered circulation in 2010.
In Australia, khat is considered to be a dangerous drug.
Source: brisbane Times
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