G-8, G-20 Summits pay off: Meles

Prime Minster Meles Zenawi said auspicious results have been gained for Africa from the G-8 and G-20 Summits held in Canada. The premier said the Summits were helpful in terms of ensuring the interest of developing counties especially for Africa.
He said the decisions by G-20 summit in ensuring sustainable and fair growth in the world will ultimately benefit Africa. The premier said the leaders have also agreed to design a framework that would enable Africa to ensure speedy development.
The framework would be prepared by Sout Koria the current chair of the G-20 Summit and would be approved in the summit due to be held in coming November at Seoul, South Korea, Africa has been participating in the summit on the basis of the will of the host countries, he said and added the leaders agreed that this issue to be settled by AU Summit due to be held in Kampala, Uganda.
Meles said G-8 summit has reviewed its support provided over the last ten years but the leaders agreed to hold the review annually, according to the Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency. (ENA)
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