Harari Regional Election to be held September 30, 2021

Harari Prosperity Party member
The Harari Prosperity Party said it has finalized preparations for the up coming election to be held on September 30, 2021 in Harari region.
Ethiopia’s electoral board announced last june 2021 that elections in two regional states would be postponed, citing irregularities and problems with the printing of ballot papers. The chairwoman of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE), said that Harar and Somali regions would cast their vote in September.
This election believed to be decisive for Abey's new prosperity party in balancing, how it treats the minority rights with party's ambition for change in the Ethiopian current constitution in one hand, and how peace and prosperity could be the future plan and strategy without affecting the current regional division where every ethnic nations and nationalities govern their own section of the country while the central government (similar to most other democratic countries) control the Federal level tasks such as foreign, defence etc. and not forgetting this fact that has been the binding force for all in the past 30 or so years in the country that gained a tremendous respect globally with peace (the top 3 most stable African country) and economic development (more than 10% increase in GDP year after year). However, the current dogma that seems to favour war against peace, one society against multi-culturalism which had been tried and failed in the past will be a challenge for coming Government and the next.
The National Electoral Board of Ethiopian (NEBE) has been preparing to conduct elections in areas where the 6th round of General Elections had not taken place on the 21 of June, 2021.
Accordingly, elections are expected to be held in Harari and Somali Regional States on September 30, 2021.
The Party has today conducted election campaigns in Harari region and Addis Ababa.
In the campaign carried out in Addis Ababa, Harari Prosperity Party Deputy Head Abdule Hakim Uomer said 7 political parties will participate in the regional election.
It is indicated that 50 percent of the candidate in the region are women with the view to enhance the participation of female in the political, economical and social issues.
He called on the Harari people to actively participate the election.
It is to be recalled that the June 21 Ethiopian general election that had attracted some 40 million voters, 46 contending political parties and more than 9000 candidates has successfully completed.
Ethiopia’s governing Prosperity Party had registered landslide victory over the election.
The nation is preparing to form the new government on October 4, 2021.
Source (partial) : Addis Ababa September 19/20221 (ENA)
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