International Harari Day To be Celebrated In July 2012 in harar

2012 Invitation
lnternational Harari Day To be Celebrated In July 2012 in harar.. According to this letter sent by President Murad Abdul hadi, the 2012 International Harari Day will be celebrated in July in harar.
About Us
Australian Saay Harari Association is a non profit, ethnically based, social organization based in Melbourne, Australia.
International Posts
June 6, 2017 - Aljazeera
Harar - the Ethiopian city known as 'Africa's Mecca'
July 21, 2017 - BBC Wold
Harar unchanged: Inside Ethiopia's timeless city of mosques
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Our Contacts
61 Elm Park Dr, Hoppers Crossing
Victoria 3029, Australia
(+614) 018 06 589
(+614) 1364 1816