Saay Harari celebrated cultural day

On July the 2nd 2011, Australian Saay Harari Association celebrated cultural day at Central Park Community Centre Hoppers Crossing, Melbourne.
The event started at 2:00pm and had various programs. Among these were songs and poems from A.S.H.A.’s Saturday school students, cultural dances, hands on activities and cultural artefact as well as food display.
The event was opened by reading the Qur’an by year 1 students and a short speech by the secretary of the Association. Then a brief introduction about Harari culture was given by brother Abdulfattah; followed by prep students telling and showing the colours of the rainbow in Harari. A number of students read poems about Harar and its culture.
Patriotic songs about Harar and Hararis by year 2 & 3 students as well the cultural song and dance ‘bal arrâ’ had been received very well.
Other cultural dances presented such as ‘dabâl’ by boys and ‘maslah’ by girls were amazing.
Among the hands on activities were:
- Painting the flag of Harar
- Making bookmarks using tradition pen and ink ‘qalam wâ dibêt’
- Knitting wrist bands
Throughout the event cultural clothes, cultural handcrafts and cultural food were on display.
About Us
Australian Saay Harari Association is a non profit, ethnically based, social organization based in Melbourne, Australia.
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Harar - the Ethiopian city known as 'Africa's Mecca'
Harar unchanged: Inside Ethiopia's timeless city of mosques
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61 Elm Park Dr, Hoppers Crossing
Victoria 3029, Australia
(+614) 018 06 589
(+614) 1364 1816