Sây Harari Afôcha Celebrates 2011 Mewlud

This year March 12, 2011 M, or 7th, Rabi-al Thani 1432 H), the Australian Sây Harari Association celebrated the birth of our Prophet Mohammed (SAW). The event was held at the kellie Park Community Center Werribee Melbourne .
The event started early morning at 10:00AM. The kids program, Sây harar Quran school students activates, Quran graduation, lunch ceremony, recreational activities and finally mewlud reading and “debal” were among the major events held on the day.
From early morning 10:00am, the event for the kids program started by Sây harar Quran School Director Gasi Samir yusuf in welcoming the guests and members.
He then described the activities of the School in the calendar year. Students in pre-school and grad-1 performed an opening reading from the holy Quran.
Following, Sây harari Quran school, ranging from grade 3, 4 to high school students performed neshida’s , zikres, harari weqri (poems)and different cultural activities .
The main star for the morning ceremony was Sây harar School’s Gisti Amina Alwan Feqi graduating with high achievement award called (kâf hâ yâ) certificate.
The afternoon event includes lunch ceremony, recreational activities and ‘mewlood’ reading and ‘debal’.The event concluded at 10:00PM.
There was much planning involved for many weeks leading up to the event, and without the keen hard work put in by the Afocha members involved in this venture, the day would not have been the great success that it was. All in all, it was a fantastic time had by all and everyone was left looking forward to the next event on the calendar.
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Australian Saay Harari Association is a non profit, ethnically based, social organization based in Melbourne, Australia.
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