Harari State licenses investors

Harar Councel
The Harari State Trade, Industry and Urban Development Bureau said it has issued licenses to investors with 77 million birr combined capital during the past three months.
Bureau Investment, Mines and Energy Process Expert, Testi Abdurahman, told WIC Tuesday that the 14 investors were licensed to engage in agro industry, poultry, hotel, education, construction and other investment sectors.
He said the investment projects would create permanent and casual job opportunities to 1,177 people when they fully go operational. According to Testi, the amount of investment capital registered in the reported period has shown a 39.8 million birr increase compared to same period last budget year.
He attributed the increase to the efforts made to promote the investment potentials available in the State. Similarly, the State Culture, Tourism and Information Bureau said over 3.1 million birr has been obtained from tourists who visited the state during the past three months. Bureau Tourism Resource Development Promotion Expert, Ezedin Abdulwase, told WIC today the revenue was obtained from 6,709 local and 1,375 foreign tourists who visited the state. The tourists visited Jegol Wall, museums, house of the French Poet Arthur Rimbaud and tamed hyenas, among others.
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