League members pledge to GTP

Central Committee members of the Harari National League (HNL) have expressed their readiness to efficiently implement the five-year Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) of the government of Ethiopia .
Members of the HNL made the above remark at the end of the League's regular meeting held recently in Harar town.
The Central Committee members said they are ready to successfully realize the plan by scaling up best practices gained over the past five years and creating public drive.
They further said prime attention would be given towards ensuring the sustainability of the ongoing economic growth and expansion of infrastructures in the coming five years.
According to the Central Committee members, the economic growth registered over the past five years would contribute its share for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
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Australian Saay Harari Association is a non profit, ethnically based, social organization based in Melbourne, Australia.
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